Friday, February 26, 2010

This Moment

As usual, I was left very inspired by SouleMama's post today. Titled this moment, she beautifully captured the essence of what is now for her.

A few nights ago, Isabella and I finished up the last chapter of Little House in the Big Woods where Laura, at a mere six years old, reflected on how much she loved her now. I could barely squeak out the words because it was so touching to think of a little girl so in love with what was around her and wanting nothing else in the whole world.

Amanda (SouleMama) then finished the post by inviting us to do the same - reflect on our present moments.

Things have been a bit rocky here lately. Colds, cabin fever, a strong-willed toddler, a short-fused mama.... But looking at this picture from a couple of days ago reminds me of how much I do indeed love my now. Even with the bumps in the road, it's all one big wonderful mess.

A fun-loving, adventuresome-dressing almost 4-year old just begging to have her picture taken.

A strong-willed, curious, grabby, insistant toddler needing to investigate the picture process.

This shot says it all.

Monday, February 22, 2010

First finish of the year

Just finished my first big quilty project of the year. An absolutely adorable custom project for my new friend in the UK. Oh yeah, I'm international, baby!

Front of quilt

Back of quilt

Embroidered the child's artwork on each piece

What fun it was to work on this. Even though it brought out some (brand) new techniques. Made my own piping on the pillow. Woo hoo!! Could not find the right shade of green so I decided to bite the bullet and give it a go. Totally not very hard at all. Turns out I was nervous-eating all day for no good reason!

Also, the embroidery was a new thing to tackle. I've done your basic cross stitch since I was a wee lass, but this was way new. Lucky for me, I found a great book on teaching the necessary stitches. I recommend for you, dear reader(s) -- haha! : Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray. Excellent for no-medium skill on the embroidery scale. Lots of cute projects too. The descriptions are pretty good. I'm sooo not good at following patterns, directions, authority - you name it. So the fact that I actually read the book (many times) and referenced it whilst I was sewing says a lot.

We all have something new to learn and do, right??