We have had a lovely autumn so far. Took a nice day trip to Amish Country and rode a wagon through a ranch that had every animal from Buffalo (and a Beefalo too!) to Long Horn to Zerbras. The girls absolutely loved it! And even though it cost an arm and a leg it was worth it to see how they loved feeding, petting, and being up close to these exotic (to us) animals.

This llama was hilarious. And a bit freaky. It ran beside the wagon several yards hoping to be fed just a bit more... and more... and more....
I currently have 8 - or is it 9 - quilts going on now. I do not work well with so many to keep track of! Thankfully my clients are crazy nice and the quilts are fun to assemble. The bikes from Michael Miller are so great. It really makes me excited to get to baby boy's quilt in oh, a few years!
Which reminds me... I finally finished Isabella's quilt. Here is a picture of the front. She chose a blue and pink floral for the backing and I finished it off with scrappy pink binding.
I was very happy with how it turned out. She was happy with how it turned out. FIVE YEARS in the making! I finished the binding one night about 10pm and sneaked into her room and laid it on her as she slept. She woke up in the morning all excited.
And then turned it over to the blue backing because she likes that better. Five years of piecing the front, people.